Fitness revelation in my 50’s

Two years in to my Health Coaching course I realised to my astonishment that less time down the gym gave me more health and wellness.

I got interested in fitness, health and wellbeing after I inflamed a disc in my back doing my best to get and stay fit in my fifties. I recovered and was surprised at the improvement in my body with the help of an excellent osteopath and personal trainer. That led to my deciding to invest 6 months in finding out what else I could improve in my 50’s.

In a nutshell I found that I could make such big improvements that I decided to enroll on a health coaching program and really put some work into setting myself up for the next 50 years. Along the way one of the most astonishing things I realised was that I should spend less time down the gym and that would allow me to improve my health and wellness.

I experimented with different approaches and based on some research have developed a personal approach. A way of moving, and training that has increased my sense of energy and strength. Frankly it has left me feeling more optimistic than at any other time of life. I don’t think that is just some kind of age / wisdom thing as it changed with my Health Coaching learning.

If you are interested in more detail read my article here. If that is of interest to you follow this link for detail on my current personal rules for training. These are not a prescription or training program they are just my tailored approach for my own use and I hope reading them gives you food for thought and discussion with your trainer or training partner.

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