Durability is a better aim than fitness.

A tortoise in motion famous for its durability
Photo by Joel M Mathey on Unsplash

Durability and fitness hmm … . that’s been ruminating around my precious bean after listening to Dr Kelly Starrett in the car this morning. 

#50thBirthday : longevity

He’s past his 50th birthday and he’s interested in being able to continue taking on thrilling activities for decades more. That means physical durability, if you keep injuring yourself or are incapacitated by pain how do you train let alone go out for that canoe trip of a life time with your family or friends?

#TheOldManTest : robustness and balance

He asked: can you get up off the floor from sitting cross legged without using your hands? he also mentioned from a friend of his, Chris Hinshaw, the old man test: can you put your sock and shoe on while balancing on one foot (and that includes picking them off the floor first and tying the laces)? 

These abilities which require durability are linked to people who have a longer #healthspan. Back here at abetterfifty global HQ (the dinning table) in my head that means things like more brushing teeth while balancing on one foot and maybe a bit less time in the gym with restricted planes of movement. 

#aBetterFifty : building the habits for durability

Thinking about how to optimise your time is why I started health coaching. I realised that there is more possibility. Your body is surprisingly plastic in being able to change later in life and that means it can become more durable. It’s one thing to research and realise this stuff and if you are reading this it more than most people do but its another to put it into long term practice. If you are over 50 and working out a new set of goals for the coming decades that is great. Building the daily habits, making them fun and easy? That’s the secret source to a better fifty. Put your name down for my occasional Brain Food Email and and make it easier and more fun.

Thanks Dr Kelly, refreshing.

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