Improve your next 50 years with a personal health coach.

Free personal health coach discovery call.

A transformational health program for men over 50 who know they need to change and want to make it easier, faster and more fun. As a personal heath coach I can help you to a better fifty years of healthy energetic life.

Book a free 30 minute call to find out about my personal program for men over 50.

What I do as a personal health coach.

I get to know you. For a personal health coach this is really important. Its not training, it’s getting to understand what makes you tick so we can turn up the fun and enjoyment. That means you will be more motivated and better able to change behaviours not just to start with but also in the long term.

It usually starts with a discovery call where we both introduce ourselves and I find out a bit about what you would like to improve. If we get along and you want us to work together we talk about a health coaching plan. This is structured so that I can support, educate and motivate you to find an easier more enjoyable way to better health. In me you have a mature certified health coach that understands the different priorities of life and biology compared to your younger self.

I think fun and enjoyment are a key part of transforming your next few decades. Its important not just to put years into your life but also to put life into your years.



After three careers, a family and a fair bit of sport I have found my way to being a health coach for the over 50s. In the Chiltern Hills in England I arrived at my fiftieth birthday wondering about my next 50 years. Was it possible improve my health and end up with a better body over 50.

Hmmm, being realistic some of it didn’t look like too much fun. I wanted to do something about that so I thought.. . a better body. The obvious thing to do was to get fitter. In the process of getting fitter I found myself with an inflamed disc in my lower back (thought provoking). Ouch. I found a great osteopath and worked with a trainer to put things right. In 6 months I was feeling like I had a better body and I started to wonder… . what else I could change?

A better body for over 50s:

So I thought I would run an experiment and started researching different aspects of my fifty year old health. I came across the concept of a health coach. Its different for everyone but for me two years down the line not only did I have a better body I was also starting to feel like I felt in my twenties and thirties. This post tells the story. Beating the kids up the sand dunes ( OK most of the time I let them win by inches ), experiencing level energy throughout the day ( afternoon coffee and snacks no longer needed ), increased clarity of thought and a leaner ache free body that just moved more easily. And I was feeling optimistic about the next fifty years being healthy, energetic and fun. That was new and unexpected in my fifties.

Health Coach:

I wanted to help other people feel and experience the same. So now I’m in the early stages of focusing on over 50’s, increasing their energy, improving their bodies and having fun.

I use a structured 12 week personalised program mainly focused on food, movement, sleep, stress and fun. As a result there is some education but mainly it’s about unlocking peoples potential. Together we discover how to put into practice the behaviours that they desire. In a way that sets them up for sucess.

I help friends and family and now, 6 years on from my 50th, increasingly I provide personal one to one coaching to men over 50. My job is helping people find a faster, easier and most importantly a fun and enjoyable way to increased energy and a better body and brain.


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